Flexibility, Cloud Computing, and Working Virtually
When it comes to understanding what a virtual office is, it’s simply working anywhere and on any device for your job. A virtual office is also an information technology system that provides networking, cloud computing, and infrastructure.
Whether you are an on call, temporary, or a full-time employee, you have the freedom to work on-demand from anywhere in the world.[1] You do not need to be in an office building to access company information. The features of a virtual office include the following.
Access from Almost Anywhere
Why someone would use a virtual office is quite simple. You can log in to your workplace via your virtual office and take advantage of the cloud using any type of device. You can use a smartphone, a tablet, a laptop, or a desktop computer. Any area with an internet connection is a place where you can work virtually.
There are many reasons for utilizing virtual offices with cloud connectivity. For example, you can work in a shared space in one location and move to another location like a coffee shop or even the beach without losing any information.
Secure and Confidential
According to cloud computing companies, 94% of businesses realized an improvement in security once they began using the cloud.[2] Using a virtual office, you can send company-secure data to a cloud-hosted server, which stores the information and allows employees to access the information at any time. You do not have to worry about sending large amounts of data over an unsecured line.
You Can Control Costs
One of the best advantages offered by virtual offices is cost control. There is less need for purchasing expensive equipment like servers and routers. Companies can also save by not spending money on office space, furniture, corporate internet plans, and utility bills. Using a virtual office and the cloud means data storage is scalable and expands as you grow. You get as much space as you need without paying the overhead for storage.
Cost savings in the aforementioned areas leaves companies with more money to allocate towards other lines on the balance sheet, namely employee compensation and benefits. This can give companies a competitive edge in their respective industries.
Centralized Servers and Sustainability
Centralized servers can improve your company’s sustainability. Using a virtual office and the cloud is environmentally friendly; it typically results in less carbon emissions by using virtual services rather than physical products. Paper waste is drastically reduced because all information can be shared digitally.
Scheduling and Electronic Communication
The virtual office will give your employees access to calendars and emails at any time. With regard to digital calendars, users know exactly what is scheduled and when. Individuals working remotely can dial in to meetings from anywhere and get the same information as if they were in the conference room. In addition to email, many companies also utilize instant messaging, which allows employees to efficiently communicate back and forth with their colleagues.
Using a virtual office gives your employees support at the click of a key, and no one knows this better than Artemis IT. Employees do not need to wait for systems to update, support to be called, and software to be installed. Everything is ready in an instant. Instant availability to support gives you a competitive edge.
With a virtual office, you can work anywhere you want from any device connected to the internet. Working through cloud-based applications allows those working with you to access reports, spreadsheets, and notes quickly. Contact Artemis IT and design the virtual office that works for you.
[1] https://informationstation.org/kitchen_table_econ/what-is-the-gig-economy/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpk&gclid=CjwKCAiA2O39BRBjEiwApB2IklRz7zqTfmCr0ay_bbOgUIPGqLhIDeXBlWD4nZ95o-NEKrmcektcXBoC1OMQAvD_BwE
[2] https://www.salesforce.com/products/platform/best-practices/benefits-of-cloud-computing/